EnigmA Amiga Run 1996 March
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 05 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-03][Skylink CD IV].iso
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Text File
383 lines
; $VER: ADMail Install Script 1.2 (17.12.95)
; by Simon Brown
; == Initialize ===========================================================
(set appname "ADMail")
(set doc-name "ADMail.guide")
; == Help Text ============================================================
(set #AskFile-help (cat "\n · Use the file requester to select the location\n"
" on on your hard-disk, where the file resides.\n" ))
(set #AskDir-help (cat "\n · Use the requester to select the location (the\n"
" directory, or partition) where the files(s)\n"
" should be placed.\n\n"))
(set #Main-help (cat "\n · This section of the installation deals with\n"
" copying the main ADMail executable.\n"
" The file will be copied to the location\n"
" previously specified.\n\n"
" · You are provided with information concerning\n"
" the version of your current copy (if you have one),\n"
" in order to ensure you don't accidently overwrite\n"
" a newer version.\n" ))
(set #GuideViewer-help (cat "\n · Select from the list, the viewer you use to\n"
" display AmigaGuide documents.\n\n"
" · If the one you use is not listed, select\n"
" \"Other...\". You will then be asked to select\n"
" the one you use.\n" ))
(set #Config-help (cat "\n · Fill in the value you require for the option\n"
" you are being prompted for. Check the guide\n"
" for more information on each setting.\n\n"
" · If you don't want to specify a value, accept\n"
" the displayed default.\n" ))
(set #Makedir-help (cat "\n · A user directory can be created for you under\n"
" the base directory. This directory is where\n"
" the user configuration file will be kept, and\n"
" is also the default location for the .signature\n"
" and header files.\n"
" · If you answer Yes, you'll be asked to confirm the\n"
" directory name, the directory will be created\n"
" (if it does not already exist) and an empty\n"
" configuration file placed within.\n" ))
(set #Userid-help (cat "\n · The base directories for all settings have\n"
" been configured. This last option allows you\n"
" to specify the name of your home directory.\n"
" The default should hopefully be correct,\n"
" but if not you can enter a new name here.\n"))
; == Prompt Text ==========================================================
(set #MainLoc-prompt "Select location for main program file...\n" )
(set #IconLoc-prompt "Select location for script & icon...\n")
(set #DocLoc-prompt "Select location for documentation...\n" )
(set #GuideViewer-prompt "Which AmigaGuide viewer?\n" )
(set #CopyMain-prompt "Copying executable...\n" )
(set #CopyGuide-prompt "Copying documentation...\n")
; == Config file prompts ==================================================
(set #basedir-prompt (cat "\nGive the path to the directory you wish to use for\n"
"the base directory. This will be represented as\n"
"$BASEDIR in all other directory settings.\n"))
(set #maildir-prompt (cat "\nGive the path to the directory where the mailboxes\n"
"are stored.\n"))
(set #editor-prompt (cat "\nGive the name of your favourite text editor -\n"
"include any command line options you think you might need.\n"))
(set #sendmail-prompt (cat "\nGive the name of the program you use to send mail -\n"
"include required command line options, and also\n"
"include \"$MSG\" to indicate the message filename.\n"))
(set #makedir-prompt (cat "\nWould you like a user directory to be created?\n"))
(set #userid-prompt (cat "\nGive the name of the user directory to create.\n"))
; == Config file defaults =================================================
(set #def-basedir "USR:")
(set #def-maildir "$BASEDIR/Mail")
(set #def-editor "$Editor")
(set #def-sendmail "sendmail <$MSG -f $USER")
; == Miscellaneous Text ===================================================
(set #Welcome-msg
"Thank you for choosing\n"
"ADMail, Amazing Developments Mail.\n"
"\nThis installation script will copy all\n"
"necessary files to your hard-disk,\n"
"and enable you to set the basic\n"
"configuration for your system.\n\n"
"You are advised to have the docs handy,\n"
"if you wish to set any options.\n\n"
(set #bad-kick
(cat "ADMail requires Kickstart 2.04 or greater to run."))
; == Check KS version =====================================================
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
(abort #bad-kick)
(set wbversion (/ (getversion "libs:version.library") 65536))
; == Give Welcome message =================================================
(message #Welcome-msg)
; == Install the Main Files ===============================================
; Where should I copy the new main files to?
(complete 0)
(set !MainLocation
(prompt #MainLoc-prompt)
(help #AskDir-help)
(default "SYS:C")
(set @default-dest !MainLocation)
(prompt #CopyMain-prompt)
(help #Main-help)
(source "ADMail")
(dest !MainLocation)
(complete 25)
; Where should I put the icon?
(set !IconLocation
(prompt #IconLoc-prompt)
(help #AskDir-help)
(default !MainLocation)
(delete "Read_Mail")
(dest "Read_Mail")
(append (tackon !MainLocation appname))
(append "\nendcli\n")
(prompt #Main-prompt)
(source "Read_Mail")
(dest !IconLocation)
(complete 50)
; == Install Documentation ================================================
; Where do they want the docs?
(set !DocLocation
(prompt #DocLoc-prompt)
(help #AskDir-help)
(default !MainLocation)
(set !GuideViewer
(prompt #GuideViewer-prompt)
(help #GuideViewer-help)
(default (if (>= wbversion 39) 0 1)
(if (= !GuideViewer 0) (set !GuideViewer "MultiView"))
(if (= !GuideViewer 1) (set !GuideViewer "AmigaGuide"))
(if (= !GuideViewer 2)
(set !GuideViewer
(prompt #GuideViewer-prompt)
(help #AskFile-help)
(default "SYS:")
(prompt #CopyGuide-prompt)
(source doc-name)
(dest !DocLocation)
(dest (tackon !DocLocation doc-name))
(setdefaulttool !GuideViewer)
(prompt #CopyGuide-prompt)
(source "AFD-Copyright")
(dest !DocLocation)
(complete 70)
(set !BaseConfig
(prompt "\n\nDo you wish to set the base configuration?")
(help "\n\nThis will set up the ENV:ADMail.config file,\n"
"and copy it to ENVARC: for future use. The base\n"
"configuration file holds defaults for all the users\n"
"on your system, and also needs to be set up if you\n"
"want a base directory other than USR:.\n")
(default 1)
(set #basedir
(if !BaseConfig
(set #basedir
(prompt #basedir-prompt)
(default #def-basedir)
(help #Config-help)
(complete 75)
(set #maildir
(prompt #maildir-prompt)
(default #def-maildir)
(help #Config-help)
(complete 80)
(set #editor
(prompt #editor-prompt)
(default #def-editor)
(help #Config-help)
(complete 85)
(set #sendmail
(prompt #sendmail-prompt)
(default #def-sendmail)
(help #Config-help)
(complete 90)
(dest (cat "ENV:" "ADMail.config"))
(if (not (= #basedir #def-basedir))
(append (cat "BaseDir \"" #basedir "\"\n"))
(if (not (= #maildir #def-maildir))
(append (cat "MBoxDir \"" #maildir "\"\n"))
(if (not (= #editor #def-editor))
(append (cat "Editor \"" #editor "\"\n"))
(if (not (= #sendmail #def-sendmail))
(append (cat "Sendmail \"" #sendmail "\"\n"))
(prompt #Main-prompt)
(source (cat "ENV:" "ADMail.config"))
(dest "ENVARC:")
(complete 95)
(set !Makedir
(prompt #makedir-prompt)
(help #Makedir-help)
(default 1)
(set !user
(getenv "USER")
(if (= !user "")
(set !user "user")
(if !Makedir
(set !user
(prompt #userid-prompt)
(default !user)
(help #Userid-help)
(if (not (exists (tackon (tackon #basedir !user) "ADMail.config")))
(dest (cat "T:" "ADMail.config"))
(cat "# " appname " configuration file.\n"
"# Check " appname ".guide and fill in the options you need.\n"
(prompt #Main-prompt)
(source (cat "T:" "ADMail.config"))
(dest (tackon #basedir !user))
(dest (cat "T:" "ADMail.config"))
(message (cat "\nUser directory: " (tackon #basedir !user) "\n"))
(complete 100)
; == Exit =================================================================
(set #Exit-msg (cat "\nInstallation complete.\n\n\n"
"Location of program file:\n"
"\n\nLocation of Document files:\n"
"\n\n" ))
(message #Exit-msg)
(exit (quiet))